On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Doug Hellmann
> > The assert ones do seem to fit the best practices as I understand them,
> but
> > I suspect there's going to be quite a bit of work to get projects
> compliant.
> I've seen some work being done on that already, but I don't know how
> strongly we care about those specific rules as an overall project.
I created the Keystone blueprint[1] to automate the things we already check
for in reviews. My motivation was to make it faster for contributors to
contribute because they would get feedback before getting a bunch of -1s in
Gerrit. I also wanted to free up core dev resources so that we can focus on
more important parts of reviews.

I'd be happy to start putting some of these in hacking, but I don't know
which rules would be acceptable to all projects. Maybe there is a way to
make optional checks that can be enabled in the tox.ini


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