On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 7:38 AM, Anne Gentle <a...@openstack.org> wrote:
> I believe that UX and DevEx are different areas of expertise and OpenStack
> could benefit more from a separate focused DevEx program


> I'm not sure Dean's proposal is quite "DevEx" though, and I don't know if
> a rename alone would take care of what I think it is.
> - SDK maintenance and testing
> - App-dev focus on docs
> - Focus on improving automation tasks with unified CLI
> - Processes and governance that could be separate from contrib devs
> - Releases separate from the every six month timed release in order to
> serve app devs better with quicker turnaround (similar to the CLIs now)
> - Integrated client with the goal of eliminating the client-per-project
> mess
> Dean, what do you think of these ideas? Is there enough in common with the
> CLI user and app dev to consider this DevEx umbrella the program? Do you
> plan to get rid of <project>-clients, and does it make sense to do so? Also
> how do you plan to transition away from DevStack PTL role, have you found a
> replacement?

Anne, this is why you are a writer and I am not. ;)  I may steal that

What you have listed fits with what I see happening as the Client Tools
adds the SDK projects (#1 and 2).  #3, 5 and 6 are already goals for
OSC[1]; and #4 is what we are here talking about now.

[1] I expect OSC to switch to use the Python OpenStack SDK as it becomes
ready rather than attempt to salvage the existing client libs.



Dean Troyer
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