On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 07:41:54AM +0000, Kenichi Oomichi wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Matthew Treinish [mailto:mtrein...@kortar.org]
> > Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 12:36 AM
> > To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> > Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Branchless Tempest QA Spec - final draft
> > 
> > > > When adding new API parameters to the existing APIs, these parameters 
> > > > should
> > > > be API extensions according to the above guidelines. So we have three 
> > > > options
> > > > for handling API extensions in Tempest:
> > > >
> > > > 1. Consider them as optional, and cannot block the incompatible
> > > > changes of them. (Current)
> > > > 2. Consider them as required based on tempest.conf, and can block the
> > > > incompatible changes.
> > > > 3. Consider them as required automatically with microversioning, and
> > > > can block the incompatible changes.
> > >
> > > I investigated the way of the above option 3, then have one question
> > > about current Tempest implementation.
> > >
> > > Now verify_tempest_config tool gets API extension list from each
> > > service including Nova and verifies API extension config of tempest.conf
> > > based on the list.
> > > Can we use the list for selecting what extension tests run instead of
> > > the verification?
> > > As you said In the previous IRC meeting, current API tests will be
> > > skipped if the test which is decorated with requires_ext() and the
> > > extension is not specified in tempest.conf. I feel it would be nice
> > > that Tempest gets API extension list and selects API tests automatically
> > > based on the list.
> > 
> > So we used to do this type of autodiscovery in tempest, but we stopped 
> > because
> > it let bugs slip through the gate. This topic has come up several times in 
> > the
> > past, most recently in discussing reorganizing the config file. [1] This is 
> > why
> > we put [2] in the tempest README. I agree autodiscovery would be simpler, 
> > but
> > the problem is because we use tempest as the gate if there was a bug that 
> > caused
> > autodiscovery to be different from what was expected the tests would just
> > silently skip. This would often go unnoticed because of the sheer volume of
> > tempest tests.(I think we're currently at ~2300) I also feel that explicitly
> > defining what is a expected to be enabled is a key requirement for 
> > branchless
> > tempest for the same reason.
> Thanks for the explanation, I understand the purpose of static config for
> the gate. We could not notice some unexpected skips due to the test volume
> as you said. but the autodiscovery still seems attractive for me, that would
> make it easy to run Tempest on production environments. So how about 
> implementing
> the autodiscovery as just one option which is disabled as default value in
> tempest.conf?
> For example, current config of nova v3 API extensions are
>  api_v3_extensions=all
> and we will be able to specify "auto" instead of "all" if autodiscovery
> is necessary:
>  api_v3_extensions=auto
> It would be nice to define it as experimental on the gate and check the
> number of test skips sometimes by comparing the legitimate gate?

So the problem with this is actually the same one we have in the gate. Even
though it's not part of the automated testing system, the issue with using
discovery as part of the testing as an end user you'll never know what's
expected to be running. How can you know if the results of your test run are
ever valid if the set of things you're trying to verify isn't fixed? If there
was a configuration error and some things were disabled by accident wouldn't
you want to catch that when you're using tempest to verify you're deployment.
For this reason feature discovery should not really ever be a run time decision.
This is really why we currently have have discovery decoupled in outside
tooling. Which currently is only verify_tempest_config, but that will probably
grow into other things as well.

I understand that this a current pain point with using tempest. Heck, I even
tried to put together an example of configuring tempest manually as part of my
summit talk and realized it was far too large for the time window I would have
during the presentation. We really need to come up with a good solution for
handling tempest configuration outside of devstack. But, I don't want to rush
into the wrong solution just because we are having issues with it right now.

As it stands now within the last few weeks I've seen 2 proposals for very
different configuration tools in addition to one we apparently have in tree,
tempest_auto_config. (which I'm probably going to rip out because I don't see 
value in it) I think one of the results I want to get out of summit next week is
to have a plan for doing this and get a spec drafted from that discussion. I
feel that this probably does warrant it's own session, but the schedule is
locked down now. Depending on how the discussions go during the week I may
re-purpose a good chunk of my last session to discuss this.

> > The verify_tempest_config tool was an attempt at a compromise between being
> > explicit and also using auto discovery. By using the APIs to help create a
> > config file that reflected the current configuration state of the services. 
> > It's
> > still a WIP though, and it's really just meant to be a user tool. I don't 
> > ever
> > see it being included in our gate workflow.
> I see, thanks.
> > > In addition, The methods which are decorated with requires_ext() are
> > > test methods now, but I think it would be better to decorate client
> > > methods(get_hypervisor_list, etc.) because each extension loading
> > > condition affects available APIs.
> > 
> > So my concern with decorating the client methods directly is that it might 
> > raise
> > the skip too late and we'll end up leaking resources. But, I haven't tried 
> > it so
> > it might work fine without leaking anything. I agree that it would make 
> > skipping
> > based on extensions easier because it's really the client methods that 
> > depend on
> > the extensions. So give it a shot and lets see if it works. The only other
> > complication is the scenario, and cli tests because they don't use the 
> > tempest
> > clients. But, we can just handle that by decorating the test methods like 
> > we do
> > now.
> Thanks again, I got current implementations are nice for avoiding unnecessary
> operations against environments.
> Thanks
> Ken'ichi Ohmichi
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