On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 08:56:22AM +0000, LIU Casper A wrote:
> Hello dear Heat Developers,
> I am Casper Liu from Alcatel-Lucent. I am doing a project based on 
> Heat(Icehouse), and have questions about Heat SoftwareConfig and 
> SoftwareDevelopment resources.
> Your reply would be highly appreciated!
> We really anticipate your support and help.
> The key point of our project is to execute “heat stack-update” to update a 
> stack with a number of VMs, and this “heat stack-update” will trigger a 
> specified script to be executed on a specified VM instance(this VM already 
> has the specified script) of the stack, and there should be no reboot/rebuild 
> of any VM of the stack. If possible we would like to use SoftwareConfig to do 
> this, for it is modularized and easy to manage, but cfn tool should also be 
> OK.

I don't think heat stack-update is the real reason behind the VM reboot.
If you want a script executed when a stack is updated, you can use
SoftwareConfig and SoftwareDeployment resources.

> Take our project as example, we have one stack which has 4 VMs (we can name 
> them as VM1, VM2, VM3 and VM4), there is an need to let Heat template to 
> execute one script(we have coded this Python script.) on VM1 when I execute 
> "heat stack-update -f <my_stack_template_file> -p <my_param_list>" each time.
> VM1 can be associated with SoftwareConfig and SoftwareDevelopment resources.
> VM1 can NOT be rebooted or rebuilt during execution of "heat stack-update".

I'm confused ... do you want the VM rebooted or not?
> My question is:
> (1) Could you advise a solution based on Heat for our project scenario?
> (2) If a SoftwareDevelopment is set as "UPDATE" in “actions” field of 
> template and associated with VM1 and SoftwareConfig and when "heat 
> stack-update" happens, can the VM1 execute SoftwareConfig without reboot?
> (3) If SoftwareConfig can be execute successfully for VM1, then what 
> packages/tools should be installed in VM instance?
> Such as hook-script.py ( 
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/heat-templates/tree/hot/software-config/elements/heat-config-script/install.d/hook-script.py
>  (http://git.openstack.org/cgit/opensta...) ), is this a must for 
> SoftwareDevelopment?
> (4) Is my software version(icehouse) proper to support SoftwareDevelopment 
> and SoftwareConfig?

Icehouse version should be okay. You may want to check the readme files
and the sample templates.  In general, you need hooks specific to your
configuration tool (shell script in this case) installed in your VM.

> Below is the version of my Openstack pakages:
> root@heatorch:~# pip freeze
> ... heat==2014.1.dev58.g5896354
> python-ceilometerclient==1.0.8
> python-cinderclient==1.0.7
> python-debian==0.1.21ubuntu1
> python-heatclient==0.2.6
> python-keystoneclient==0.4.2
> python-neutronclient==2.3.3
> python-novaclient==2.15.0
> python-swiftclient==1.8.0
> python-troveclient==1.0.3
> ...
> SoftwareDeployment introduction is as below:
> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html#OS::Heat::Software
> Your reply would be highly appreciated!
> Thanks a lot!
> Regards,
> Casper

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