It is clear that a number of us have been working independently on NFV
related features.  It would be beneficial to start doing some
coordination in this area.  To do that, I think we should form an NFV
group with a regular IRC meeting.  I'd like to see this group be a
collaboration of developers, deployers, and end users working together
to make sure we are successful in supporting NFV use cases.

Proposed set of goals for this group:

 * Organize documentation on the OpenStack wiki of use cases and gaps to
be filled in OpenStack.

 * Identify relevant development efforts across OpenStack (designs,
code) and track their progress.

   - Provide a page for interested parties to quickly see the status
     across these efforts

   - Highlight areas that need additional help.

 * Provide a meeting where people can get together and discuss this work
   on a regular basis.

To get us started, I have created the following wiki page with some
information on some of the efforts already under way.  I welcome help
filling it in with more details.

For the IRC meeting, I propose we start meeting in a couple weeks with
the first one on Wednesday, June 4 at 1400 UTC in #openstack-meeting.
It's going to be tough to pick a date/time that works for everyone, but
if this absolutely does not work for you and you'd like to participate,
feedback is welcome.

For discussions outside of the meeting about these features, I think we
should use the openstack-dev mailing list.  When posting about NFV,
please use the [NFV] tag in the message subject.


Russell Bryant

OpenStack-dev mailing list

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