On 11:50 Tue 13 May     , Mardan Raghuwanshi wrote:
> Hello Team,
> We develop cinder driver and supporting minimum features, but our driver
> are not the part of openstack release. We also created blueprint for it.
> I would like to understand the process to push the cinder driver with the
> official release of openstack. What are the pre-requisites one needs to
> fulfill to be part of the openstack release? so I'm looking at a clear
> procedure required to be qualified to be a part of the openstack release?
> Please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Mardan

Hi Mardan,

Welcome to the community! Cinder has a doc on minimum features [1] that are
required to be in the Cinder tree. These are features that are available from
the VolumeDriver class in cinder.volume.driver that should be implemented by
your driver class.

There are docs on submitting code to gerrit [2], how to form your commit
messages [3] 

It has just been discussed at the design summit this week that we will be
requiring new drivers to provide a CI hooked up to their real backend solution
to run once a day to provide results of working on the current state of tree.
[4]. We should have polished up documentation sometime next week, and will
reply to this thread once that's done. For now, you can read about how the
OpenStack CI works and how you would setup your own external system. [5][6][7]

[1] - http://docs.openstack.org/developer/cinder/devref/drivers.html
[2] - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Gerrit_Workflow
[3] - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages
[4] - 
[5] - http://www.joinfu.com/2014/01/understanding-the-openstack-ci-system/
[6] - 
[7] - 

Mike Perez

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