
Sure, if you look at this method:

    def _check_fixed_ips_and_address_pairs_no_overlap(self, context, port):

        address_pairs = self.get_allowed_address_pairs(context, port['id'])

        for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']:

            for address_pair in address_pairs:

                if (fixed_ip['ip_address'] == address_pair['ip_address']

                    and port['mac_address'] ==
                    raise addr_pair.AddressPairMatchesPortFixedIPAndMac()

it checks that the allowed_address_pairs don't overlap with fixed_ips and
mac_address on the port. The only reason we do this additional check is
that having the same fixed_ip and mac_address pair as an
allowed_address_pair would have no effect since the fixed_ip/mac on the
port inherently allows that traffic through.



On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Praveen Yalagandula <
yprav...@avinetworks.com> wrote:

> Hi Aaron,
> In OVS and ML2 plugins, on port-update, there is a check to make sure that
> allowed-address-pairs and fixed-ips don't overlap. Can you please explain
> why that is needed?
> ------------- icehouse final: neutron/plugins/ml2/plugin.py ------------
> 677             elif changed_fixed_ips:
> 678                 self._check_fixed_ips_and_address_pairs_no_overlap(
> 679                     context, updated_port)
> -----------------------
> Thanks,
> Praveen
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Aaron Rosen <aro...@nicira.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> For shared networks if the network is set to port_security_enabled=True
>> then the tenant will not be able to remove port_security_enabled from their
>> port if they are not the owner of the network. I believe this is the
>> correct behavior we want. In addition, only admin's are able to create
>> shared networks by default.
>> I've created the following blueprint
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/allowed-address-pairs and
>> doc:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hyB3dIkRF623JlUsvtQFo9fCKLsy0gN8Jf6SWnqbWWA/edit?usp=sharingwhich
>>  will provide us a way to do this. It would be awesome if you could
>> check it out and let me know what you think.
>> Thanks,
>> Aaron
>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Ian Wells <ijw.ubu...@cack.org.uk>wrote:
>>> On 10 July 2013 21:14, Vishvananda Ishaya <vishvana...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> It used to be essential back when we had nova-network and all tenants
>>> >> ended up on one network.  It became less useful when tenants could
>>> >> create their own networks and could use them as they saw fit.
>>> >>
>>> >> It's still got its uses - for instance, it's nice that the metadata
>>> >> server can be sure that a request is really coming from where it
>>> >> claims - but I would very much like it to be possible to, as an
>>> >> option, explicitly disable antispoof - perhaps on a per-network basis
>>> >> at network creation time - and I think we could do this without
>>> >> breaking the security model beyond all hope of usefulness.
>>> >
>>> > Per network and per port makes sense.
>>> >
>>> > After all, this is conceptually the same as enabling or disabling
>>> > port security on your switch.
>>> Bit late on the reply to this, but I think we should be specific on
>>> the network, at least at creation time, on what disabling is allowed
>>> at port level (default off, may be off, must be on as now).  Yes, it's
>>> exactly like disabling port security, and you're not always the
>>> administrator of your own switch; if we extend the analogy you
>>> probably wouldn't necessarily want people turning antispoof off on an
>>> explicitly shared-tenant network.
>>> --
>>> Ian.
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