On 05/16/2014 05:08 AM, Tizy Ninan wrote:

We have an openstack Havana deployment on CentOS 6.4 and nova-network network service installed using Mirantis Fuel v4.0. We are trying to integrate the openstack setup with the Microsoft Active Directory(LDAP server). I only have a read access to the LDAP server. What will be the minimum changes needed to be made under the [ldap] tag in keystone.conf file?Can you please specify what variables need to be set and what should be the values for each variable?

# url = ldap://localhost
# user = dc=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
# password = None
# suffix = cn=example,cn=com
# use_dumb_member = False
# allow_subtree_delete = False
# dumb_member = cn=dumb,dc=example,dc=com

# Maximum results per page; a value of zero ('0') disables paging (default)
# page_size = 0

# The LDAP dereferencing option for queries. This can be either 'never',
# 'searching', 'always', 'finding' or 'default'. The 'default' option falls
# back to using default dereferencing configured by your ldap.conf.
# alias_dereferencing = default

# The LDAP scope for queries, this can be either 'one'
# (onelevel/singleLevel) or 'sub' (subtree/wholeSubtree)
# query_scope = one

# user_tree_dn = ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
# user_filter =
# user_objectclass = inetOrgPerson
# user_id_attribute = cn
# user_name_attribute = sn
# user_mail_attribute = email
# user_pass_attribute = userPassword
# user_enabled_attribute = enabled
# user_enabled_mask = 0
# user_enabled_default = True
# user_attribute_ignore = default_project_id,tenants
# user_default_project_id_attribute =
# user_allow_create = True
# user_allow_update = True
# user_allow_delete = True
# user_enabled_emulation = False
# user_enabled_emulation_dn =

# tenant_tree_dn = ou=Projects,dc=example,dc=com
# tenant_filter =
# tenant_objectclass = groupOfNames
# tenant_domain_id_attribute = businessCategory
# tenant_id_attribute = cn
# tenant_member_attribute = member
# tenant_name_attribute = ou
# tenant_desc_attribute = desc
# tenant_enabled_attribute = enabled
# tenant_attribute_ignore =
# tenant_allow_create = True
# tenant_allow_update = True
# tenant_allow_delete = True
# tenant_enabled_emulation = False
# tenant_enabled_emulation_dn =

# role_tree_dn = ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com
# role_filter =
# role_objectclass = organizationalRole
# role_id_attribute = cn
# role_name_attribute = ou
# role_member_attribute = roleOccupant
# role_attribute_ignore =
# role_allow_create = True
# role_allow_update = True
# role_allow_delete = True

# group_tree_dn =
# group_filter =
# group_objectclass = groupOfNames
# group_id_attribute = cn
# group_name_attribute = ou
# group_member_attribute = member
# group_desc_attribute = desc
# group_attribute_ignore =
# group_allow_create = True
# group_allow_update = True
# group_allow_delete = True

Kindly help us to resolve the issue.


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