I know people are very interested in an update on this, so here's the plan such as it is.

I'd like to reassure everyone that we will definitely be keeping our original meeting time of Wednesdays at 2000 UTC, every second week (including this week).

I want to try out a new time for the alternate meetings, so let's bring it forward by 12 hours to Wednesdays at 1200 UTC. Unfortunately we'll lose the west coast of the US, but participation from there was not high anyway due to bad timing, and we'll gain folks in Europe. I'm also hoping that it will be at least as good or better for folks in Asia. The first meeting at this time will be next week.

I've reserved #openstack-meeting for this purpose at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings but from past experience we know that people sometimes don't book it yet still expect not to be kicked out, so we'll have to see how it goes ;) If you get lost, look in #heat.

We'll see how this works over the next few meetings at that time and re-evaluate.

If in doubt, check https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/HeatAgenda for times; I try to keep it up to date despite the provocation of a ridiculously short timeout on the auth cookies.

Today's meeting is at 2000 UTC - see y'all there :)


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