
Ok, I found that now there is probably no such feature to reserve fixed
ip for tenant. So I was thinking about add such feature to neutron. I
mean that it should have new table with reserved ips in neutron
database and neutron will check this table every time when new port
will be created (or updated) and IP should be associated with this
port. If user has got reserved IP it should be then used for new port,
if IP is reserver by other tenant - it shouldn't be used. 
What You are thinking about such possibility? Is it possible to add it
in some future release of neutron?

Best regards
Sławek Kapłoński

Dnia Mon, 19 May 2014 20:07:43 +0200
Sławek Kapłoński <sla...@kaplonski.pl> napisał:

> Hello,
> I'm using openstack with neutron and ML2 plugin. Is there any way to
> reserve fixed IP from shared external network for one tenant? I know
> that there is possibility to create port with IP and later connect VM
> to this port. This solution is almost ok for me but problem is when
> user delete this instance - then port is also deleted and it is not
> reserved still for the same user and tenant. So maybe there is any
> solution to reserve it "permanent"?
> I know also about floating IPs but I don't use L3 agents so this is
> probably not for me :)

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