Thierry Carrez <> writes:

> James E. Blair wrote:
>> openstack/oslo-specs -> openstack/common-libraries-specs
> I understand (and agree with) the idea that -specs repositories should
> be per-program.
> That said, you could argue that "oslo" is a shorthand for "common
> libraries" and is the code name for the *program* (rather than bound to
> any specific project). Same way "infra" is shorthand for
> "infrastructure". So I'm not 100% convinced this one is necessary...

"data-processing-specs" has been pointed out as a similarly awkward
name.  According to the programs.yaml file, each program does have a
codename, and the compute program's codename is 'nova'.  I suppose we
could have said the repos are per-program though using the program's
codename.  But that doesn't actually help someone who wants to write a
swift-bench spec know that it should go in the swift-specs repo.

I'm happy to drop oslo from the rename list if Doug wants to mull this
over a bit more.  The only thing I hate more than renaming repos is
renaming repos twice.  I'm hoping we can have some kind of consistency,
though.  People are in quite a hurry to have these created (we made 5
more for official openstack programs yesterday, plus a handful for


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