On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Doug Hellmann
<doug.hellm...@dreamhost.com> wrote:
> We agreed just before the summit that we wanted to participate in the
> specs repository experiments for this cycle. The repository is set up
> [1] and I've just posted a review for an updated template [2] that
> includes some sections added to nova's template after we copied it and
> some sections we need that other projects don't.
> To keep tracking simpler, ttx and I intend to use launchpad only for
> reporting and not for actually approving blueprints, so I would like
> all blueprints to have a corresponding spec ASAP with 2 exceptions:
> Ben has already finished graduate-config-fixture and the oslo-db-lib
> work is far enough along that the *graduation* part of that doesn't
> need to written up (any other pending db changes not tied to a bug
> should have a spec & blueprint created).
> Please look over the template review, and start thinking about the
> specs for your blueprints. After the updated template lands, we'll be
> ready to start reviewing the specs for all of the blueprints we plan
> to work on during Juno.
> Thanks!
> Doug
> 1. http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/oslo-specs
> 2. https://review.openstack.org/94359

If you were waiting to rebase and update your spec documents, the
template is now ready. We do have another template for graduation
blueprints under review still [1], but I think we can begin reviewing
blueprints not related to graduations.


1. https://review.openstack.org/94906

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