The specs repo is now available here:

Reviews for specs can be found here:,n,z

I've updated all Ironic's blueprints on Launchpad to "definition: new" and
"direction: needs approval". Please file a specification review if you are
working on (or plan to work on) a feature which was previously registered
as a blueprint. We will prioritize reviewing the specifications initially
based on those that will affect our ability to merge the nova.virt.ironic
driver into Nova, and after that based on the feedback we received from the
community during the planning session at the Juno summit (*)

Also, of the >40 blueprints currently open on Launchpad, many lack enough
depth for me to determine what substantive changes would be required, which
has made it very difficult to estimate the review load that that feature
would add. The review team is already falling further behind (see my last
email about that) and it doesn't look likely that we'll have bandwidth to
accept any significant features early in J. So -- getting your spec well
written, reviewed, and approved will give us a much clearer estimate of the
review load and will help a lot in planning and determining which milestone
/ release to target it to.


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