Is this perhaps considered off-topic? If so, is there a better place to discuss 
future enhancements?

From: Shaheed Haque []
Sent: 17 May 2014 20:12
Subject: A VM with multiple images that boot off a non-first image

Hi all,

I have the need to support a VM which (a) comprises multiple disk images, and 
(b) boots off a disk which is not the first disk. I've read the docs, played 

nova boot --image (and also --ephemeral)

nova boot --block-device-mapping

nova boot --block-device and its boot_index

and I think that what I need is something like this:

nova boot --block-device=diskimage0,type=?? \

--block-device=diskimage1,type=?? \


On Havana h1 at least, all that seems to do is to rename the boot device from 
vda to vdc. I see several launchpad entries in this vague area, but am left 
wondering if this is beyond what is actually possible even in Icehouse (which I 
have not yet tried).

Any clues welcomed.

Thanks, Shaheed

P.S. AFAIK, I am not interested in anything which is volume-centric in the 
first instance, as I need the same images to be loaded by multiple instances.

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