On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Morgan Fainberg <morgan.fainb...@gmail.com
> wrote:
> David and Kristy, the slides and summit session are a great starting place
> for this work. Now we need to get the proposal drafted up in the new
> Keystone-Specs repository (
> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/keystone-specs ) so we can keep
> this conversation on track. Having the specification clearly outlined and
> targeted will help us address any concerns with the proposal/redesign as we
> move into implementation.

I can't tell from the linked slides what exactly will change. When a spec
is proposed I'd love to see at least the following things:

 - A description/diagram of the layers and how data flows between them.
 - A description/diagram showing structural code changes that need to
happen to support the proposal.
 - A breakdown of user facing changes for things that can't be completely
backward compatible.

The talk at the summit seemed to revolve around a few methods and a class
that had SAML in the name. I think some of the recent work is making this
more generic and there is at least one proposal to add protocols. It would
be nice to see why this refactoring isn't enough.

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