<deepakcs> Hi, whats the right way to mock the LOG variable inside the
driver ? I am mocking mock.patch.object(glusterfs, 'LOG') as mock_logger
<deepakcs> and then doing...
<deepakcs> mock_logger.warning.assert_called_once() - which passes and is
expected to pass per my code
<deepakcs> but
<deepakcs> mock_logger.debug.assert_called_once() - shud fail , but this
also passes !
<deepakcs> any idea why ?

I feel that I am not mocking the LOG inside the driver correctly.

I also tried
           mock.patch.object(glusterfs.LOG, 'warning'),
            mock.patch.object(glusterfs.LOG, 'debug')
as mock_logger_warn and mock_logger_debug respectively

But here too
.debug and .warning both passes.. while the expected result is for .warning
to pass and .debug to fail

So somehow I am unable to mock LOG properly

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