On 6 June 2014 10:17, henry hly <henry4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ML2 mechanism drivers are becoming another kind of "plugins". Although
> they can be loaded together, but can not work with each other.

> Could we remove all device related adaption(rest/ssh/netconf/of... proxy)
> from these mechanism driver to the agent side, leaving only necessary code
> in the plugin?

In the Snabb NFV mech driver [*] we are trying a design that you might find

We stripped the mech driver down to bare bones and declared that the agent
has to access the Neutron configuration independently.

In practice this means that our out-of-tree agent is connecting to
Neutron's MySQL database directly instead of being fed config changes by
custom sync code in ML2. This means there are very little work for the mech
driver to do (in our case check configuration and perform special port

We are also trying to avoid running an OVS/LinuxBridge-style agent on the
compute hosts in order to keep the code footprint small. I hope we will
succeed -- I'd love to hear if somebody else is running "agent-less"?
Currently we depend on a really ugly workaround to make VIF binding succeed
and we are looking for a clean alternative:

[*] Snabb NFV mech driver code: https://review.openstack.org/95711

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