On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 12:07:07PM -0400, Matthew Treinish wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> So we'd like to announce to everyone that we're going to be doing a combined
> Infra and QA program mid-cycle meet-up. It will be the week of July 14th in
> Darmstadt, Germany at Deutsche Telekom who has graciously offered to sponsor 
> the
> event. The plan is to use the week as both a time for face to face 
> collaboration
> for both programs respectively as well as having a couple days of 
> bootstrapping
> for new users/contributors. The intent was that this would be useful for 
> people
> who are interested in contributing to either Infra or QA, and those who are
> running third party CI systems.
> The current break down for the week that we're looking at is:
> July 14th: Infra
> July 15th: Infra
> July 16th: Bootstrapping for new users
> July 17th: More bootstrapping
> July 18th: QA
> We still have to work out more details, and will follow up once we have them.
> But, we thought it would be better to announce the event earlier so people can
> start to plan travel if they need it.
> Thanks,
> Matt Treinish
> Jim Blair

Just a quick follow-up, the agenda has changed slightly based on room
availability since I first sent out the announcement. You can find up-to-date
information on the meet-up wiki page:


Once we work out a detailed agenda of discussion topics/work items for the 3
discussion days I'll update the wiki page.

Also, if you're intending to attend please put your name on the wiki page's
registration section.


Matt Treinish

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