On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06/09/2014 01:38 PM, Joe Cropper wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 5:17 AM, Day, Phil <philip....@hp.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Joe,
>>> Can you give some examples of what that data would be used for ?
>> Sure!  For example, in the PowerKVM world, hosts can be dynamically
>> configured to run in split-core processor mode.  This setting can be
>> dynamically changed and it'd be nice to allow the driver to track this
>> somehow -- and it probably doesn't warrant its own explicit field in
>> compute_node.  Likewise, PowerKVM also has a concept of the maximum
>> SMT level in which its guests can run (which can also vary dynamically
>> based on the split-core setting) and it would also be nice to tie such
>> settings to the compute node.
> That information is typically stored in the compute_node.cpu_info field.
>> Overall, this would give folks writing compute drivers the ability to
>> attach the "extra spec" style data to a compute node for a variety of
>> purposes -- two simple examples provided above, but there are many
>> more.  :-)
> If it's something that the driver can discover on its own and that the
> driver can/should use in determining the capabilities that the hypervisor
> offers, then at this point, I believe compute_node.cpu_info is the place to
> put that information. It's probably worth renaming the cpu_info field to
> just "capabilities" instead, to be more generic and indicate that it's a
> place the driver stores discoverable capability information about the
> node...

Thanks, that's a great point!  While that's fair for those items that
are self-discoverable for the driver that also are cpu_info'ish in
nature, there are also some additional use cases I should mention.
Imagine some higher level projects [above nova] want to associate
arbitrary bits of information with the compute host for
project-specific uses.  For example, suppose I have an orchestration
project that does coordinated live migrations and I want to put some
specific restrictions on the # of concurrent migrations that should
occur for the respective compute node (and let the end-user adjust
these values).  Having it directly associated with the compute node in
nova gives us some nice ways to keep data consistency.  I think this
would be a great way to gain some additional parity with some of the
other nova structures such as flavors' extra_specs and instances'


> Now, for *user-defined* taxonomies, I'm a big fan of simple string tagging,
> as is proposed for the server instance model in this spec:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/91444/
> Best,
> jay
>>> It sounds on the face of it that what you’re looking for is pretty
>>> similar
>>> to what Extensible Resource Tracker sets out to do
>>> (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86050
>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71557)
>> Thanks for pointing this out.  I actually ran across these while I was
>> searching the code to see what might already exist in this space.
>> Actually, the compute node 'stats' was always a first guess, but these
>> are clearly heavily reserved for the resource tracker and wind up
>> getting purged/deleted over time since the 'extra specs' I reference
>> above aren't necessarily tied to the spawning/deleting of instances.
>> In other words, they're not really consumable resources, per-se.
>> Unless I'm overlooking a way (perhaps I am) to use this
>> extensible-resource-tracker blueprint for arbitrary key-value pairs
>> **not** related to instances, I think we need something additional?
>> I'd happily create a new blueprint for this as well.
>>> Phil
>>> From: Joe Cropper [mailto:cropper....@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: 07 June 2014 07:30
>>> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
>>> Subject: [openstack-dev] Arbitrary "extra specs" for compute nodes?
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> I was wondering if there was any such mechanism in the compute node
>>> structure to hold arbitrary key-value pairs, similar to flavors'
>>> "extra_specs" concept?
>>> It appears there are entries for things like pci_stats, stats and
>>> recently
>>> added extra_resources -- but these all tend to have more specific usages
>>> vs.
>>> just arbitrary data that may want to be maintained about the compute node
>>> over the course of its lifetime.
>>> Unless I'm overlooking an existing construct for this, would this be
>>> something that folks would welcome a Juno blueprint for--i.e., adding
>>> extra_specs style column with a JSON-formatted string that could be
>>> loaded
>>> as a dict of key-value pairs?
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joe
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