On Jun 17, 2014, at 12:53 PM, Jan van Eldik <jan.van.el...@cern.ch> wrote:

> Just
> On 06/17/2014 08:18 PM, Tim Bell wrote:
>> We have some projects which are dynamically creating VMs up to their
>> quota. Under some circumstances, as cloud administrators, we would like
>> these projects to shrink and make room for other higher priority work.
>> We had investigated setting the project quota below the current
>> utilisation (i.e. effectively delete only, no create). This will
>> eventually match the desired level of VMs as the dynamic workload leads
>> to old VMs being deleted and new ones cannot be created.
>> However, OpenStack does not allow a quota to be set to below the current
>> usage.
> Just to add that "nova help quota-update" suggests that the "--force" option 
> should do the trick:
>  --force               Whether force update the quota even if the
>                        already used and reserved exceeds the new quota
> However, when trying to lower the quota below the current usage value,
> we get:
> $ nova absolute-limits --te $ID|grep -i core
> | totalCoresUsed          | 11    |
> | maxTotalCores           | 20    |
> $ nova quota-update --cores 2 $ID
> ERROR: Quota value 2 for cores are greater than already used and reserved 11 
> (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-c1dd6add-772c-4cd5-9a13-c33940698f93)
> $ nova quota-update --cores 2 --force $ID
> ERROR: Quota limit must greater than 11. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: 
> req-cfc58810-35af-46a3-b554-59d34c647e40)
> Am I misunderstanding what "--force" does?

That was my understanding of force as well. This looks like a bug to me.


> BTW: I believe the first error message is wrong, and will propose
> a patch.
>       cheers, Jan
>> This seems a little restrictive … any thoughts from others ?
>> Tim
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