
This has to do with a patch I have out for review currently -

I believe version 5 to be the proper solution for the problem with the
unit tests that I am trying to fix.
However based on some comments that asked me to try a couple things,
version 7 is the latest one out but
I have a couple of questions regarding the behavior I am observing.

1. The diffs change the running of tests in admin/networks/tests.py -
A small snippet is this addition -
@override_settings(OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK={'profile_support': None})
def test_network_create_get_with_no_profile(self):

This essentially defines a new UT which invokes an existing one but with
different settings.

This same patch for the similar project/networks/tests.py containing the
exact same test however does not work the same way.
It seems that the override_settings somehow finds fault with the
test.create_stubs of the base test.
I put this down to the possibly the definition of the test class itself.

In admin/networks it is - class NetworkTests(test.BaseAdminViewTests):
Whereas in project/networks it is - class NetworkTests(test.TestCase):

Anyone have any idea what the difference is between the two and also
why the BaseAdminViewTests would affect the settings differently?

Also would appreciate any further reviews on this.


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