Greetings all,
I'd like to thank everyone who attended the LBaaS mid-cyle sprint for
taking the time and effort to make the trip to San Antonio.  This was a
very productive sprint in all forms: direction, consensus, blueprints,
documentation, and of course code.  It was just great to be able to get
so much done and have a clearer idea on the direction this project is

I'd like to especially thank Kyle Mestery and Mark Mcclain for taking
the time out of their busy schedules to direct, teach, and giving us
help where and when we needed.  The fact that they managed to have the
patience for three full days of this is just amazing.  Actually, them
having the patience over the last few months and still willing to help
is just short of miraculous.  Thanks again guys, you are great!

I look forward to continuing to work with everyone on this and other
projects.  We've got a lot to do but we'll be able to accomplish
everything we want if we continue to work together.  Thanks again to all


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