> As we knew, Nova db has the table “compute_nodes” for modelling the
> hypervisors and its using the “hypervisor_hostname” field to represent the
> hypervisor name.
> This value is having significant value in os-hypervisor extension api which
> is using this field to uniquely identify the hypervisor.
> Consider the case where a given environment is having more than one
> hypervisors (KVM, EXS, Xen, etc) with same hostname and os-hypervisor and
> thereby Horizon Hypervisor panel and nova hypervisors-servers command will
> fail.
> There is a defect ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1329261 ) already
> filed on VMware VC driver to address this issue to make sure that, a unique
> value is generated for the VC driver’s hypervisor. But its good to fix at
> the model level as well by making “hypervisor_hostname” field as unique
> always. And a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1329299 is filed for
> the same.

Hi Kanagaraj,

Thanks for filing these bugs.  For the VMware driver we can use a combination 
of the vCenter uuid and the id of the cluster which is managed by Nova.  I have 
already posted some comments on your patch for this: 

I am also +1 for adding an unique constraint for the hypervisor_hostname column.


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