At the moment there are a number of different BP's that are proposed to enable 
different VMware network management solutions. The following specs are in 

  1.  VMware NSX-vSphere plugin: https://review.openstack.org/102720
  2.  Neutron mechanism driver for VMWare vCenter DVS network 
  3.  VMware dvSwitch/vSphere API support for Neutron ML2: 

In addition to this there is also talk about HP proposing some for of VMware 
network management.

Each of the above has specific use case and will enable existing vSphere users 
to adopt and make use of Neutron.

Items #2 and #3 offer a use case where the user is able to leverage and manage 
VMware DVS networks. This support will have the following limitations:

  *   Only VLANs are supported (there is no VXLAN support)
  *   No security groups
  *   #3 - the spec indicates that it will make use of pyvmomi 
(https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi). There are a number of disclaimers here:
     *   This is currently blocked regarding the integration into the 
requirements project (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69964/)
     *   The idea was to have oslo.vmware leverage this in the future 

Item #1 will offer support for all of the existing Neutron API's and there 
functionality. This solution will require a additional component called NSX 

It would be great if we could all align our efforts and have some clear 
development items for the community. In order to do this I'd like suggest that 
we meet to sync and discuss all efforts. Please let me know if the following 
sounds ok for an initial meeting to discuss how we can move forwards:
 - Tuesday 15:00 UTC
 - IRC channel #openstack-vmware

We can discuss the following:

  1.  Different proposals
  2.  Combining efforts
  3.  Setting a formal time for meetings and follow ups

Looking forwards to working on this stuff with the community and providing a 
gateway to using Neutron and further enabling the adaption of OpenStack.

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