Hi Sam,

> Anything else?

I assume you mean for Juno.  Under “In addition”:

  *   Contact current driver owners, to update to new driver interface (some 
things will break with the shim, e.g. when the drivers are reaching around the 
plugin to the neutron db.)  Also let them know about the upcoming L7/TLS 
  *   New A10 driver being submitted


From: Samuel Bercovici <samu...@radware.com<mailto:samu...@radware.com>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 9:29 AM
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List 
"Brandon Logan 
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Analyzing the critical path

To reiterate the Juno release plan from: 
Feature freeze is at: 21st August.

I am listing tasks which we should consider to be done for Juno and who should 
handle them.

The following might be considered as critical path to get anything for Juno:

1.       LBaaS Plugin, API, DB – when is a code commit expected?

2.       CLI

3.       LBaaS Driver Interfaces – done - 

4.       Connecting the Plugin calls to the drive – I have not seen any 
reference to this. I think we should use the “provider” capabilities until 
“flavor” gets implemented. Is this addressed by item 1 above or does it 
required an additional task?

5.       HA proxy reference implementation – when is a code commit expected?

6.       Tempest Tests

Additional “Core” features

1.       Horizon UI

2.       Quota update/fix

3.       API Compatibility

a.       Connecting the “OLD API Plugin calls to “old/new” drivers. Is this 
still planned?

4.       Driver Compatibility

a.       Connecting the Plugin calls to “old” drivers. Is this still planned?

In addition/parallel

1.       TLS  –

a.       BP is approved.

b.      WIP code was committed and waiting for the code of the basic API/model 
to be available for start of review.

c.       HA Proxy reference implementation

d.      CLI

e.      Horizon Support

f.        Tempest Tests

2.       L7 context switching

a.       BP in review

b.      WIP code in progress and waiting for the code of the basic API/model to 
be available for initial commit

c.       HA Proxy reference implementation

d.      CLI

e.      Horizon Support

f.        Tempest Tests

Anything else?


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