On 1 July 2014 19:12, Luke Gorrie <l...@tail-f.com> wrote:

> It does not yet run devstack/tempest and I hope to reuse that part from
> somebody else's efforts.

shellci is happily voting on the sandbox with the Snabb NFV CI account so
far: http://egg.snabb.co:81/shellci/shellci.log

Time to make it start running real tempest tests.

I whipped up a simple Vagrantfile that runs devstack and tempest in a
disposable VM. The idea is that out-of-the-box you get a setup that runs
tempest and votes on the results. Then you customize local.conf,
tempest.conf, and optionally the whole script to do the appropriate testing
for your driver. (Or, if you like, skip this part and supply your own
testing script to do whatever you like.)

Vagrant scripts only in a Gist for now:

I'll see how the performance looks. Vagrant probably slows down serial
performance but should make independent parallel runs easy. I ordered a
hetzner.de server with 128GB RAM and if that comes through tomorrow we'll
see how that plays out.

The plan for parallelism is sharding. Each gerrit-stream event will be
hashed into one of N buckets and then you can run N copies of the testing
script (on whatever machine(s)) and each copy chooses a different hash
bucket to trigger on.

Let's see how promising (or not) that looks tomorrow :-). If it works out
for me then hopefully somebody else will want to kick the tires next week.

(We'll need a separate 100 line budget for the Vagrant/devstack/tempest
stuff by the look of it! Lies, damned lies, budgets...)

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