Hi Hrushikesh,

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Gangur, Hrushikesh (R & D HP Cloud) <
hrushikesh.gan...@hp.com> wrote:

>  If it is not going to nova-compute, it must be thrown out directly at
> nova-api due to any of the following reasons:

May be, but even doesn't see nova-api error logs.

>  1.       No valid host to launch the instance: Though you can see free
> memory on the compute node, but it does check for few more things: disk
> space and CPU. Please note that the disk space being looked at is the
> theoretical value.
> 2.       The instance flavor type is incorrect. The image uploaded might
> have not been specified the right correct min. disk and min. memory needs.
> So, if you use tiny flavor and the image really requires more than 2 GB of
> root, it is going to fail.

I will check with the below command.

>  You may like to run the following command:
> nova hypervisor-stats
> Regards~hrushi
> *From:* Vikash Kumar [mailto:vikash.ku...@oneconvergence.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, July 07, 2014 9:13 PM
> *To:* Openstack Milis; openstack-dev
> *Subject:* [Openstack] [Nova] Launch of VM failed after certain count
> openstack Havana
> Hi all,
>     I am facing issue with VM launch. I am using openstack *Havana.* I
> have one compute node with following specification:
> root@compute-node:~# lscpu
> Architecture:          x86_64
> CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
> Byte Order:            Little Endian
> CPU(s):                8
> On-line CPU(s) list:   0-7
> Thread(s) per core:    1
> Core(s) per socket:    4
> Socket(s):             2
> NUMA node(s):          1
> Vendor ID:             GenuineIntel
> CPU family:            6
> Model:                 15
> Stepping:              7
> CPU MHz:               1995.104
> BogoMIPS:              3990.02
> Virtualization:        VT-x
> L1d cache:             32K
> L1i cache:             32K
> L2 cache:              4096K
> NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-7
> root@compute-node:~# free -h
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:           15G       1.5G        14G         0B       174M       531M
> -/+ buffers/cache:       870M        14G
> Swap:          15G         0B        15G
>  But I am not able to launch more than 12-14 VM. VM launch fails. Even I
> don't see *ERROR *logs in any of nova logs on both *openstack controller
> and compute node.* Don't see any request coming to compute node also. I
> just tailed nova compute logs on compute node. As soon as, I clean the
> previous VMs , everything works fine. I have never observed this with
> Grizzly.
>  Regards,
> Vikash
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