
I want to use FQDN in Ring files instead of "ip".
I tried the following Swift APIs with using FQDN and it succeeded.
(I used swift1.13.1.)

  - PUT Container
  - PUT Object

In some documents there is no info for using FQDN in Ring files.

  - swift 1.13.1 documentation The Rings > List of Devices
      The IP address of the server containing the device.
  - swift-ring-builder's USAGE
      swift-ring-builder <builder_file> add
          [--region <region>] --zone <zone> --ip <ip> --port <port>
          --replication-ip <r_ip> --replication-port <r_port>
          --device <device_name> --meta <meta> --weight <weight>

I would like to know whether FQDN in Ring files supports and/or how to evaluate 
to support FQDN in Ring files.

Could you please advise me for it?

Best Regards,
Kenichiro Matsuda.

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