I think we should discuss adding/changing this functionality. I have had many 
new users assume that booting from an iso image would give them a root drive 
which they could snapshot. I was hoping that the new block device mapping code 
would allow something like this, but unfortunately there isn’t a way to do it 
there either. You can boot a flavor with an ephemeral drive, but there is no 
command to snapshot secondary drives.


On Jul 25, 2014, at 4:22 PM, Maksym Lobur <mlo...@mirantis.com> wrote:

> Hi Vish!
> Appreciate your feedback! Are there some significant pitfalls that forced 
> Nova team to decide that? 
> Currently I'm testing my local nova modifications to get real boot from ISO 
> functionality like described in the spec. I'm fetching ISO image from glance 
> into the separate file under the instances/uuid/ dir, attaching it as a CDROM 
> and boot from it. I also do a blank root drive 'disk' which I use to install 
> OS to.
> Are there any things require extra attention? Any pitfalls in such an 
> approach?
> Best regards,
> Max Lobur,
> OpenStack Developer, Mirantis, Inc.
> Mobile: +38 (093) 665 14 28
> Skype: max_lobur
> 38, Lenina ave. Kharkov, Ukraine
> www.mirantis.com
> www.mirantis.ru
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Vishvananda Ishaya <vishvana...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> This is somewhat confusing, but long ago the decision was made that booting 
> from an ISO image should use the ISO as a root drive. This means that it is 
> only really useful for things like live cds. I believe you could use the new 
> block device mapping code to create an instance that boots from an iso and 
> has an ephemeral drive as well but I haven’t tested this.
> Vish
> On Jul 22, 2014, at 7:57 AM, Maksym Lobur <mlo...@mirantis.com> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Could someone please share his experience with Nova "Boot from ISO" feature 
>> [1]. 
>> We test it on Havana + KVM, uploaded the image with DISK_FORMAT set to 
>> 'iso'. Windows deployment does not happen. The VM has two volumes: one is 
>> config-2 (CDFS, ~400Kb, don't know what that is); and the second one is our 
>> flavor volume (80Gb). The windows ISO contents (about 500Mb) for some reason 
>> are inside a flavor volume instead of separate CD drive.
>> So far I found only two patches for nova: vmware [2] and Xen [3]. 
>> Does it work with KVM? Maybe some specific nova configuration required for 
>> KVM.
>> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/BootFromISO
>> [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/63084/
>> [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38650/
>> Thanks beforehand!
>> Max Lobur,
>> OpenStack Developer, Mirantis, Inc.
>> Mobile: +38 (093) 665 14 28
>> Skype: max_lobur
>> 38, Lenina ave. Kharkov, Ukraine
>> www.mirantis.com
>> www.mirantis.ru
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