Hi folks,

I'm working on a change for neutron LBaaS service.
Since there is a massive work done for LBaaS these days, my change depends on 
other changes being reviewed in parallel in gerrit.
I don't have a big git knowledge and I'm failing in figuring out the right 
procedure that should be followed for managing such a multi-dependent patch.
So, I sending my question to you guys, in hope to find the right way to manage 
such patches in gerrit.

Here is the situation:
There are 4 patches on review in gerrit

1.       A - No dependencies

2.       B - Depends on A

3.       C - Depends on A

4.       D - No dependencies

My change, let's call it "X", is already on review in gerrit.
It should depend on all four other changes, A, B, C and D.

I tried to two ways of managing those dependencies, 1) by doing a cherry-pick 
for each one of them, and 2) by doing git review and git rebase for each one of 
It does not work for me well, my change commit message is replaced by other 
changes' commit messages and when I commit my patch, it commit's other changes 
patches too.

So, my question is:
Is this scenario supported by gerrit system?
If it does - what is the right procedure to follow in order to manage those 
and how to rebase my change when some of dependencies was commited with a new 
patch to keep the dependencies up-to-date?

Thank you!

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