On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Dean Troyer <dtro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I propose we de-program DevStack and consolidate it into the QA program.
>  Some of my concerns about doing this in the beginning have proven to be a
> non-issue in practice.  Also, I believe a program's focus can and should be
> wider than we have implemented up to now and this a step toward
> consolidating narrowly defined programs.
Sounds like a good idea to me, as long as QA PTL Matt is good with it.
Thanks Dean for your service!


> I read the QA mission statement to already include DevStack's purpose so
> no change should be required there.  I'll propose the governance changes
> following a few days of discussion.
> This is purely a program-level change, I do not anticipate changes to the
> DevStack project itself.
> dt
> (soon-to-be-former?) DevStack PTL
> --
> Dean Troyer
> dtro...@gmail.com
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