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2014-08-07 12:01 GMT+02:00 Piyush Harsh <h...@zhaw.ch>:

> Dear All,
> Let me use my first post to this list to introduce Cyclops and initiate a
> discussion towards possibility of this platform as a future incubated
> project in OpenStack.
> We at Zurich university of Applied Sciences have a python project in open
> source (Apache 2 Licensing) that aims to provide a platform to do
> rating-charging-billing over ceilometer. We call is Cyclops (A Charging
> platform for OPenStack CLouds).
> The initial proof of concept code can be accessed here:
> https://github.com/icclab/cyclops-web &
> https://github.com/icclab/cyclops-tmanager
> *Disclaimer: This is not the best code out there, but will be refined and
> documented properly very soon!*
> A demo video from really early days of the project is here:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIwwVxqCio0 and since this video was
> made, several bug fixes and features were added.
> The idea presentation was done at Swiss Open Cloud Day at Bern and the
> talk slides can be accessed here:
> http://piyush-harsh.info/content/ocd-bern2014.pdf, and more recently the
> research paper on the idea was published in 2014 World Congress in Computer
> Science (Las Vegas), which can be accessed here:
> http://piyush-harsh.info/content/GCA2014-rcb.pdf
> I was wondering, if our effort is something that OpenStack
> Ceilometer/Telemetry release team would be interested in?
> I do understand that initially rating-charging-billing service may have
> been left out by choice as they would need to be tightly coupled with
> existing CRM/Billing systems, but Cyclops design (intended) is distributed,
> service oriented architecture with each component allowing for possible
> integration with external software via REST APIs. And therefore Cyclops by
> design is CRM/Billing platform agnostic. Although Cyclops PoC
> implementation does include a basic bill generation module.
> We in our team are committed to this development effort and we will have
> resources (interns, students, researchers) work on features and improve the
> code-base for a foreseeable number of years to come.
> Do you see a chance if our efforts could make in as an incubated project
> in OpenStack within Ceilometer?
> I really would like to hear back from you, comments, suggestions, etc.
> Kind regards,
> Piyush.
> _______________________________________
> Dr. Piyush Harsh, Ph.D.
> Researcher, InIT Cloud Computing Lab
> Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
> [Site] http://piyush-harsh.info
> [Research Lab] http://www.cloudcomp.ch/
> Fax: +41(0)58.935.7403 GPG Keyid: 9C5A8838
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