On August 7, 2014 at 8:36:16 AM, Matt Wagner (matt.wag...@redhat.com) wrote:
On 07/08/14 14:17 +0200, Dmitry Tantsur wrote: 
>2. We'll need to speed up spec reviews, because we're adding one more 
>blocker on the way to the code being merged :) Maybe it's no longer a 
>problem actually, we're doing it faster now. 

I'm not sure if this will actually delay stuff getting merged. 

It certainly has the potential to do so. If people submit a draft in 
Launchpad and it takes us a week to review it, that's adding a lot of 

OTOH, if we're on top of things, I think it could actually increase 
overall throughput. We'd spent less time reviewing specs that are just 
entirely out of scope, and we'd be able to help steer spec-writers 
onto the right path sooner. They, in turn, would waste less time 
writing specs that are then rejected wholesale, or deemed to need 
significant reworking. 

I'm not really disagreeing with you--we need to be vigilant and make 
sure we don't introduce a bottleneck with this. But I also think that, 
as long as we do that, we might actually speed things up overall. 
I agree. I think we have been doing much better with specs, especially since 
growing that core team and explicitly defining our priorities for Juno.

I don’t think this will increase latency in reviews - the initial review is 
quick and easy to do, as it’s just deciding overall if we want the feature. I 
think this may actually *reduce* latency - specs that are not wanted will get 
-2’d quickly, and steps that are wanted will have at least one core that is 
excited about the feature (if no cores care about the feature, it likely won’t 
be “pre-approved” or whatever we’re calling it).

I +1’d this at the meetup, doing it here again for public consumption. :)

// jim

-- Matt 
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