Hello people,

>> I think backward compatibility is a good idea.  We can make the
>> user/pass inputs for data objects optional (they are required
>> currently), maybe even gray them out in the UI with a checkbox to turn
>> them on, or something like that.
> This is similar to what I was thinking. We would allow the username and
> password inputs to accept a blank input.

I like the idea of keeping backward compatibility by supporting
username/password. And also I really dislike one more config (domain
for temp users) to be mandatory. So supporting old behaviour here also
simplifies deployment, which is good especially for new users.



2014-08-15 18:04 GMT+04:00 mike mccune <mimcc...@redhat.com>:
> thanks for the thoughts Trevor,
> On 08/15/2014 09:32 AM, Trevor McKay wrote:
>> I think backward compatibility is a good idea.  We can make the
>> user/pass inputs for data objects optional (they are required
>> currently), maybe even gray them out in the UI with a checkbox to turn
>> them on, or something like that.
> This is similar to what I was thinking. We would allow the username and
> password inputs to accept a blank input.
> I also like the idea of giving some sort of visual reference, like graying
> out the fields.
>> Sahara can detect whether or not the proxy domain is there, and whether
>> or not it can be created.  If Sahara ends up in a situation where it
>> thinks user/pass are required, but the data objects don't have them,
>> we can return a meaningful error.
> I think it sounds like we are going to avoid having Sahara attempt to create
> a domain. It will be the duty of a stack administrator to create the domain
> and give it's name in the sahara.conf file.
> Agreed about meaning errors.
>> The job manager can key off of the values supplied for the data source
>> objects (no user/pass? must be proxy) and/or cluster configs (for
>> instance, a new cluster config could be added -- if it's absent we
>> assume "old" cluster and therefore old hadoop swfit plugin).  Workflow
>> can be generated accordingly.
> This sounds good. If there is some way to determine the version of the
> hadoop-swiftfs on the cluster that would be ideal.
>> The hadoop swift plugin can look at the config values provided, as you
>> noted yesterday, and get auth tokens in either manor.
> exactly.
> mike
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