Thank you!

Idézem/Quoting Stefano Maffulli <>:

Hi Szepe,

On Wed 20 Aug 2014 11:33:47 AM PDT, Szépe Viktor wrote:
Thank you for your answer.
That workflow seems a huge job for me.

I leave this patch up to you.

thanks for sending this fix. You've stumbled upon one of the known
issues of OpenStack's way to deal with small patches like yours. We have
a workflow optimized for the extremely large amount of patches we get
(around 60-70 *per hour*). Our workflow does not use github and its pull

Unfortunately this optimization for large scale contributions is leaving
occasional contributors like you outside.

I would suggest you to file a bug on instead of a pull request
as we don't use github at all, only drop there code as 'mirror' and
nothing else.

I'll suggest also to add 'file a bug' as a suggestion to the message
sent upon automatically closing the PR.

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Szépe Viktor
+36-20-4242498  skype: szepe.viktor
Budapest, XX. kerület

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