Hi Trevor!

Thanks for this, I've also transcribed these onto the wiki here:

Obviously, y'all should feel free to fix any error you find appropriately!


On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Trevor Vardeman <
trevor.varde...@rackspace.com> wrote:

> Agenda items are numbered, and topics, as discussed, are described beneath
> in list format.
> 1) Revisit some basic features of loadbalancing as a service's object
> model and api.
>    a) Brandon advocated Loadbalancer as only root object
>       + The reason for root objects was for sharing.
>    b) Will we allow sharing of pools in a listener?
>       + Stephen suggests providing sharing to the customer for benefits
>          - provides simplicity to the user
>          - Example:  L7 rules all referencing the same pool: simpler for
> the user to handle it.
>          - Without sharing there may also be a series of extra health
> checks that are unnecessary
>       + German wants placement of the pool to be on the load balancer
>          - This allows sharing pools between different listeners.
>          - Counter argument by Stephen:  Sharing pools between HTTP/HTTPS
> load balancers would
>                be really rare, where normally people would use a different
> port.  Adding another health
>                check wouldn't be a big deal.  Proposed L7 policies where
> you have a complicated rule
>                set causing duplication for a "or" set, would increase the
> health check requirement.
>                (Refer to email in list)
>    c) If we desire many to many, there will be more root objects than just
> load balancer.
>       + Moving to many-to-many after establishing one root object would be
> difficult
> 2) Get consensus on initial project direction and implementation details
>    a) One HA proxy instance per load balancer or one HA proxy instance per
> listener?
>       + Per ML discussion:  Keeping listener on one HA Proxy instance
> increases performance on one
>             Octavia VM
>          - Desires benchmarks for this to support  (German has this
> included in his next sprint)
>       + Suggested shelving this until benchmarks are researched.
>       + Future discussions on the ML for this decision
>       + A concern from Vijay:  with one HA Proxy instance per listener,
> would that affect scalability?
>          - This was suggested to move to the mailing list
> 3) When decisions (like #2) have been made, where should this be stored,
> wiki or in code?
>    a) Bad thing about wiki is if Openstack makes a documentation overhaul
> the decision information
>          might get lost.
>    b) Bad thing about code is its harder to find and read.
>    c) Decision was to keep it in the Wiki.
> 4) Whose responsibility is it to update the wiki with these decisions?
>    a) For now, Stephen has been updating the wiki
>    b) In the future, people involved in the decision will decide someone
> to update the wiki at the time
> 5) What else is needed to change in the 0.5 design before it can be
> approved and implementation
>       can begin?
>    a) Action item for everyone:  Review this design before next week's
> meeting.  Keep in mind the
>          document is supposed to be somewhat general.
> 6) Start going over action items (
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Octavia_Action_Items)
>    a) Action Item for everyone:  Review the migration information proposed
> by Brandon.
>    b) Per link above, start from 1 and move the way down the list.
>    c) How can we decide who is working on what?
>       + Get launchpad set up for octavia to allow for blueprint additions
> and thus allow people to
>             contribute to a specific effort
>    d) We need a list of things that are required to do and what needs
> hooked up how (the glue
>          between the different pieces)
>    e) What kind of communication between different components?
>       + XMLRPC?
>       + A REST interface?
>       + Something different?
>    f) Brandon working on Data Models and SQL Alchemy Models.
>    g) Stephen working on Octavia VM API interface, including what
> technology to use
>    h) Doug working on Skeleton Structure
>    i) Brandon working on launchpad and blueprints issue as well
>    j) Stephen will also prioritize this list
>    k) Topics that need discussed should be expressed and discussed in the
> mailing list
>    l) Michael Johnson working on the base image scripts
>       + Would we use an image we've built or set it up after creation of a
> VM
>          - Start with a base image with pre-packaging of Octavia scripts
> and such instead of Cloud init
>                doing all the work downloading and such.  Saves
> time/resources.
>          - Ideally we would have a place in the Octavia repo with a script
> or something that when run
>                would create an image.
>       + The images will potentially change based on flavoring options.
>          - This includes custom images via customer requirements
> -- After meeting --
> Q:  Are we going to be incubated?
> A:  Yes, we are basically destined for incubation, period.  Note:  we will
> assuredly not be in Juno.
> Q:  Why be part of Neutron?  Why not just be our own program?
> A:  We want to distance ourselves from Neutron to some extent.  We will
> formalize this via a
>          networking driver in Octavia.  Note: we do not want to burn any
> bridges here, so we want to
>          be appropriate in our spin-out process.
> Sorry for the delay in sending this out.  Not sure if I missed anything
> here, but please feel free to add
> anything necessary that I might have missed.  Thanks!
> -Trevor
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Stephen Balukoff
Blue Box Group, LLC
(800)613-4305 x807
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