On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 07:54:41PM +0530, Jyoti Ranjan wrote:
>    I am little bit skeptical about using Swift for this use case because of
>    its eventual consistency issue. I am not sure Swift cluster is good to be
>    used for this kind of problem. Please note that Swift cluster may give you
>    old data at some point of time.

This is probably not a major problem, but it's certainly worth considering.

My assumption is that the latency of making the replicas consistent will be
small relative to the timeout for things like SoftwareDeployments, so all
we need is to ensure that instances  eventually get the new data, act on
it, and send a signal back to Heat (again, Heat eventually getting it via
Swift will be OK provided the replication delay is small relative to the
stack timeout, which defaults to one hour)


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