Hey guys,

I just noticed that "Amphora" won the vote. I have several issues with

1) Amphora wasn't in the first list of items to vote on. I'm confused as
to how it ended up in the "final" round. The fact that it did makes me
feel like the first round of votes were totally disregarded.

2) The first vote was on Wednesday. The "final" vote was due less that 24
hours after that vote. This did not give me enough time to vote as I was
rather busy and I'm sure other were as well. This is more of a minor
point, however, as I realize we can't wait for the world to vote otherwise
we would get nowhere. The bigger issue is that I was able to vote in the
first round and was fine with the top 5 first round items going to the
final round. As far as I know amphora wasn't in the first round.

3) The word amphora is a very specific type of physical container used in
Greco-Roman times to store a variety of things such as water, wine, and
grain (yay 8th grade classical heritage!). This makes no sense for what we
are trying to name other than the fact that it relates to a container. In
my mind, the words vase and jug should have also been added to the final
round if that's the precedent we want to set. If amphora were in the first
round I would be okay if majority won. I just feel the democratic process
was not followed the way it should have been.

All this said, I don't want to stifle progress so I don't necessarily want
a re-vote. I just want to make sure we are not setting a bad precedent for
voting on future items.


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