On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 10:23 PM, Thierry Carrez <thie...@openstack.org> wrote:
> Mac Innes, Kiall wrote:
>> While requesting a openstack/designate-dashboard project from the TC/Infra
>> – The topic of why Designate panels, as an incubated project, can’t
>> be merged into openstack/horizon was raised.
>> In the openstack/governance review[1], Russell asked:
>>>     Hm, I think we should discuss this with the horizon team, then. We are
>>>     telling projects that incubation is a key time for integrating with
>>>     other
>>>     projects. I would expect merging horizon integration into horizon itself
>>>     to be a part of that.
> We are actually telling projects that they should work on their Horizon
> panels while in incubation, and use their first "integrated" cycle (once
> they graduate, before their first release), to get their panels into
> Horizon mainline code.
> That's what Sahara did over this cycle (they had a dashboard, they got
> it merged in Horizon during juno, in time for final Juno release).
> Now it's not a perfect setup: it put a lot of stress between Sahara and
> Horizon teams -- it was essential for Sahara to get it merged, while no
> horizon-core really signed up to review it. It took a bit of
> cross-project coordination to get it in in time... I expect the same to
> happen again.

As Horizon team, the reasons it takes time to review is just not
a bandwidth or attention for reviews themselves (apart form
the fact that Sahara dashboard is relatively big).
Horizon team need to maintain the code once they are merged and to
accomplish it better understanding for a new integrated project is important.
In the first "integrated" cycle of a new integrated project, the project
itself need to do a lot of things for graduation, so we tend to explore
how it can work with devstack or what concept there is behind the API.
Such input like how to devstack and/or introduction are really helpful for
Horizon team. In most cases Horizon reviewers are first users of a new
project :-)

I hope this input helps us move things forward smoothly and
result in good collaboration among teams.


> --
> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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