2014-09-13 7:09 GMT-03:00 Sharan Kumar M <sharan.monikan...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I am about to submit my first patch. I saw the contributions guidelines in
> the documentations. Just to make it clear, is it that I issue a pull
> request in GitHub, which automatically pushes my patch to gerrit? Also, I
> found something called change-Id in the commit message. Is it the hash code
> for the git commit? If yes, should we prefix a 'I' in the beginning of hash
> code?
> Thanks,
> Sharan Kumar M
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Hi Sharan,

In order to submit your contributions you have to configure your git repo
as stated in [0].

We don't directly issue pull requests, we use git review instead.

If you didn't install it yet, install it with 'pip install git-review', and
then simply 'git review' your change.

So, the workflow is:
- Code, code, code
- Make sure you have your changes in a branch called bug/bug-no or
bp/bp-id. If you started working in master, simply do a 'git checkout -b
bug/bug-no or bp/bp-id'
- Commit the change
- Write the commit message [1]
- And finally 'git review'

The change-id is auto generated, you don't have to add it by hand.

You can check more details about the workflow in [2].

[0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Gerrit_Workflow#Project_Setup
[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages
[2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Gerrit_Workflow#Normal_Workflow

Hope it's clear, and if not, feel free to reach me on IRC at
irc.freenode.org at #openstack-101. My IRC handle is vkmc.

My best,
OpenStack-dev mailing list

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