On Mon, 2014-09-15 at 11:04 -0700, Jim Rollenhagen wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:44:24PM +0100, Steven Hardy wrote:
> > All,
> > 
> > Starting this thread as a follow-up to a strongly negative reaction by the
> > Ironic PTL to my patches[1] adding initial Heat->Ironic integration, and
> > subsequent very detailed justification and discussion of why they may be
> > useful in this spec[2].
> > 
> > Back in Atlanta, I had some discussions with folks interesting in making
> > "ready state"[3] preparation of bare-metal resources possible when
> > deploying bare-metal nodes via TripleO/Heat/Ironic.
> > 
> > The initial assumption is that there is some discovery step (either
> > automatic or static generation of a manifest of nodes), that can be input
> > to either Ironic or Heat.
> We've discussed this a *lot* within Ironic, and have decided that
> auto-discovery (with registration) is out of scope for Ironic. 
Even if there is such an agreement, it's the first time I hear about it.
All previous discussions _I'm aware of_ (e.g. midcycle) ended up with
"we can discover only things that are required for scheduling". When did
it change?

> In my
> opinion, this is straightforward enough for operators to write small
> scripts to take a CSV/JSON/whatever file and register the nodes in that
> file with Ironic. This is what we've done at Rackspace, and it's really
> not that annoying; the hard part is dealing with incorrect data from
> the (vendor|DC team|whatever).
Provided this CSV contains all the required data, not only IPMI
credentials, which IIRC is often the case.

> That said, I like the thought of Ironic having a bulk-registration
> feature with some sort of specified format (I imagine this would just be
> a simple JSON list of node objects).
> We are likely doing a session on discovery in general in Paris. It seems
> like the main topic will be about how to interface with external
> inventory management systems to coordinate node discovery. Maybe Heat is
> a valid tool to integrate with here, maybe not.
> > Following discovery, but before an undercloud deploying OpenStack onto the
> > nodes, there are a few steps which may be desired, to get the hardware into
> > a state where it's ready and fully optimized for the subsequent deployment:
> These pieces are mostly being done downstream, and (IMO) in scope for
> Ironic in the Kilo cycle. More below.
> > - Updating and aligning firmware to meet requirements of qualification or
> >   site policy
> Rackspace does this today as part of what we call "decommissioning".
> There are patches up for review for both ironic-python-agent (IPA) [1] and
> Ironic [2] itself. We have support for 1) flashing a BIOS on a node, and
> 2) Writing a set of BIOS settings to a node (these are embedded in the agent
> image as a set, not through an Ironic API). These are both implemented as
> a hardware manager plugin, and so can easily be vendor-specific.
> I expect this to land upstream in the Kilo release.
> > - Optimization of BIOS configuration to match workloads the node is
> >   expected to run
> The Ironic team has also discussed this, mostly at the last mid-cycle
> meetup. We'll likely have a session on "capabilities", which we think
> might be the best way to handle this case. Essentially, a node can be
> tagged with arbitrary capabilities, e.g. "hypervisor", which Nova
> (flavors?) could use for scheduling, and Ironic drivers could use to do
> per-provisioning work, like setting BIOS settings. This may even tie in
> with the next point.
> Looks like Jay just ninja'd me a bit on this point. :)
> > - Management of machine-local storage, e.g configuring local RAID for
> >   optimal resilience or performance.
> I don't see why Ironic couldn't do something with this in Kilo. It's
> dangerously close to the "inventory management" line, however I think
> it's reasonable for a user to specify that his or her root partition
> should be on a RAID or a specific disk out of many in the node.
> > Interfaces to Ironic are landing (or have landed)[4][5][6] which make many
> > of these steps possible, but there's no easy way to either encapsulate the
> > (currently mostly vendor specific) data associated with each step, or to
> > coordinate sequencing of the steps.
> It's important to remember that just because a blueprint/spec exists,
> does not mean it will be approved. :) I don't expect the "DRAC
> discovery" blueprint to go through, and the "DRAC RAID" blueprint is
> questionable, with regards to scope.
> > What is required is some tool to take a text definition of the required
> > configuration, turn it into a correctly sequenced series of API calls to
> > Ironic, expose any data associated with those API calls, and declare
> > success or failure on completion.  This is what Heat does.
> This is a fair point, however none of these use cases have code landed
> in mainline Ironic, and certainly don't have APIs exposed, with the
> exception of node registration. Is it useful to start writing plumbing to
> talk to APIs that don't exist?
> All that said, I don't think it's unreasonable for Heat to talk directly
> to Ironic, but only if there's a valid use case that Ironic can't (or
> won't) provide a solution for.
> // jim
> [1] https://review.openstack.org/104379
> [2] 
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/ironic+branch:master+topic:decom-nodes,n,z
> > So the idea is to create some basic (contrib, disabled by default) Ironic
> > heat resources, then explore the idea of orchestrating ready-state
> > configuration via Heat.
> > 
> > Given that Devananda and I have been banging heads over this for some time
> > now, I'd like to get broader feedback of the idea, my interpretation of
> > "ready state" applied to the tripleo undercloud, and any alternative
> > implementation ideas.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
> > [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104222/
> > [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/120778/
> > [3] http://robhirschfeld.com/2014/04/25/ready-state-infrastructure/
> > [4] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/drac-management-driver
> > [5] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/drac-raid-mgmt
> > [6] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/drac-hw-discovery
> > 
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