Hi Folks,

I'd like to get some opinions on the use of pairs of notification messages for 
simple events.   I get that for complex operations on an instance (create, 
rebuild, etc) a start and end message are useful to help instrument progress 
and how long the operations took.    However we also use this pattern for 
things like aggregate creation, which is just a single DB operation - and it 
strikes me as kind of overkill and probably not all that useful to any external 
system compared to a a single event ".create" event after the DB operation.

There is a change up for review to add notifications for service groups which 
is following this pattern (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/107954/) - the 
author isn't doing  anything wrong in that there just following that pattern, 
but it made me wonder if we shouldn't have some better guidance on when to use 
a single notification rather that a .start/.end pair.

Does anyone else have thoughts on this , or know of external systems that would 
break if we restricted .start and .end usage to long-lived instance operations ?


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