What about:


On 22 September 2014 10:23, Kevin L. Mitchell
<kevin.mitch...@rackspace.com> wrote:
> My team just ran into an issue where neutron was not passing unit tests
> when run under Python 2.6.  We tracked this down to a test support
> function using collections.OrderedDict.  This was in locally forked
> code, but when I compared it to upstream code, I found that the code in
> upstream neutron is identical…meaning that upstream neutron cannot
> possibly be passing unit tests under Python 2.6.  Yet, somehow, the
> neutron reviews I've looked at are passing the Python 2.6 gate!  Any
> ideas as to how this could be happening?
> For the record, the problem is in neutron/tests/unit/test_api_v2.py:148,
> in the function _get_collection_kwargs(), which uses
> collections.OrderedDict.  As there's no reason to use OrderedDict here
> that I can see—there's no definite order on the initialization, and all
> consumers pass it to an assert_called_once_with() method with the '**'
> operator—I have proposed a review[1] to replace it with a simple dict.
> [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/123189/
> --
> Kevin L. Mitchell <kevin.mitch...@rackspace.com>
> Rackspace
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