I would like to announce my candidacy for the Infrastructure PTL.

I have developed and operated the project infrastructure for several
years and have been honored to serve as the PTL for the Juno cycle.

I was instrumental not only in creating the project gating system and
development process, but also in scaling it from three projects to 400.

During the Juno cycle, we have just started on a real effort to make the
project infrastructure consumable in its own right.  There is a lot of
interest from downstream consumers of our tools but our infrastructure
is not set up for that kind of re-use.  We're slowly changing that so
that people who run infrastructure systems similar to ours can
contribute back upstream just like any other OpenStack project.

I am anticipating a number of changes to the OpenStack project that are
related: the further acceptance of a "Big Tent", and changes to the
gating structure to accommodate it.  I believe that changes to our
testing methodology, including a smaller integrated gate and more
functional testing which we outlined at the QA/Infra sprint fit right
into that.  These are multi-release efforts, and I am looking forward to
continuing them in Kilo.

All of these efforts mean a lot of new people working on a lot of new
areas of the Infrastructure program in parallel.  A big part of the work
in the next cycle will be helping to coordinate those efforts and make
the Infrastructure program a little less monolithic to support all of
this work.

I am thrilled to be a part of one of the most open free software project
infrastructures, and I would very much like to continue to serve as its



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