在 2014-10-10,下午7:16,Salvatore Orlando <sorla...@nicira.com> 写道:

> Comments inline.
> Salvatore
> On 10 October 2014 11:02, Wuhongning <wuhongn...@huawei.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> In the Juno cycle there is proposal of ModularL2Agent [1,2], which is very 
> useful to develop agent for new backend with much less redundant code. 
> Without that, we have to either fork a new agent by copying large amount of 
> existing l2agent code, or patch existing l2agent. However in the K pad [3] it 
> seems that this feature disappeared?
> The fact that the topic is not present in the Kilo summit discussion does not 
> mean that the related work item has been tabled.
> It just means that it's not something we'll probably discuss at the summit, 
> mostly because the discussion can happen on the mailing list - as you're 
> doing now.
> I think a summit session should be granted if the community still needs to 
> achieve consensus on the technical direction or if the topic is of such a 
> paramount importance that awareness needs to be raised.
> The blueprint and spec for this topic are available ad [1] and [2], and 
> afaict are still active.
> Now there are some interest on hybrid backend (e.g. Hierachical Binding), and 
> some BPs are proposed to patch OVS agent. But it has two drawbacks: 1) 
> tightly coupled with OVS; 2) OVS agent became unnecessarily heavier. With 
> ML2agent we only need to add separated driver modules in the common L2agent 
> framework, but not to patch the monolithic ovs agent.
> The point of a modular L2 agent is to have a very efficient RPC interface 
> with the neutron server and a framework for detecting data plane transitions, 
> such as new ports, and apply the corresponding configurations. And then have 
> driver which will apply such configurations to different backends.
> I reckon the blueprints you are referring to are probably assuming the OVS 
> agent becomes modular - because otherwise it will be hardy able to target 
> backends which are not ovs.
> Also if it is convenient  to write only modules but not the whole agent, 
> backend providers may prefer to move out most of the logic from MD to agent 
> side driver, for better stability for Neutron controller node and easier 
> co-existing with other backend. Ofagent shows good compatibility of l2pop to 
> build vxlan/gre tunnel network between itself and other ovs/linuxbridge agent.
> Or are there any general consideration about Neutron agent side 
> consolidation, either L2/L3/L4-7?
> As far as I know there is no plan for a consolidate neutron agent which does 
> L2/L7 operations. Frankly I do not even think there is any need for it.

No necessary consolidation of L2-7, but L2 agent consolidation, L3 agent 
consolidation, advanced service agent consolidation by each, but all have 
framework with modular drivers

> 1. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/ModularL2Agent#Possible_Directions
> 2. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/juno-neutron-modular-l2-agent
> 3. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-neutron-summit-topics
> Best Regards
> Wu
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> [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/modular-l2-agent
> [2] 
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/neutron-specs+branch:master+topic:bp/modular-L2-agent,n,z
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