On 10/15/2014 05:07 PM, Florian Haas wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Russell Bryant <rbry...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Am I making sense?
>> Yep, the downside is just that you need to provide a new set of flavors
>> for "ha" vs "non-ha".  A benefit though is that it's a way to support it
>> today without *any* changes to OpenStack.
> Users are already very used to defining new flavors. Nova itself
> wouldn't even need to define those; if the vendor's deployment tools
> defined them it would be just fine.

Yes, I know Nova wouldn't need to define it.  I was saying I didn't like
that it was required at all.

>> This seems like the kind of thing we should also figure out how to offer
>> on a per-guest basis without needing a new set of flavors.  That's why I
>> also listed the server tagging functionality as another possible solution.
> This still doesn't do away with the requirement to reliably detect
> node failure, and to fence misbehaving nodes. Detecting that a node
> has failed, and fencing it if unsure, is a prerequisite for any
> recovery action. So you need Corosync/Pacemaker anyway.

Obviously, yes.  My post covered all of that directly ... the tagging
bit was just additional input into the recovery operation.

> Note also that when using an approach where you have physically
> clustered nodes, but you are also running non-HA VMs on those, then
> the user must understand that the following applies:
> (1) If your guest is marked HA, then it will automatically recover on
> node failure, but
> (2) if your guest is *not* marked HA, then it will go down with the
> node not only if it fails, but also if it is fenced.
> So a non-HA guest on an HA node group actually has a slightly
> *greater* chance of going down than a non-HA guest on a non-HA host.
> (And let's not get into "don't use fencing then"; we all know why
> that's a bad idea.)
> Which is why I think it makes sense to just distinguish between
> HA-capable and non-HA-capable hosts, and have the user decide whether
> they want HA or non-HA guests simply by assigning them to the
> appropriate host aggregates.

Very good point.  I hadn't considered that.

Russell Bryant

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