On 10/16/2014 03:18 PM, Dave Walker wrote:
On 16 October 2014 20:07, David Stanek <dsta...@dstanek.com> wrote:
I may be missing something, but can you use the external auth method with
the LDAP backend?

No, as the purpose of the LDAP backend is to validate user/pass
combination are valid.  With the external auth plugin, these are not
provided to keystone (and may not even exist).  If they did exist, we
would be doing auth at the edge and at the backend - which seems
needlessly expensive.

Kind Regards,
Daviey Walker

OpenStack-dev mailing list
The short of it  is that what you are describing is handled by Federation.

I think that there is some confusing in the processing of an authN/authZ request which we call "create a token"

Here's how I would expect it to work in a Kerberos case (the archetype for external) before the use of Federation

1. mod_auth_kerb authenticates the user and sets REMOTE_USER before calling the Keystone WSGI app
2.  Keystone accepts REMOTE_USER and looks up the user in LDAP to get groups
3.  Userid and Groups are used to  fetch roles to populate the token

We can also use the OSand mod_lookup_identity to get us Groups: see this write up for how to use Federation with SSSD


That is old and needs to be updated, but the concepts are the same.

With Federation, you provide a mapping and a bunch of env vars to the Keystone server, and there is no need to persist the user in the user table.

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