to help the discussion,
a small compilation about the bugs and previous attempts to fix the
missing functionality in cells.


Server Groups

Security Groups


On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Nikola Đipanov <ndipa...@redhat.com>

> On 10/20/2014 08:00 PM, Andrew Laski wrote:
> > One of the big goals for the Kilo cycle by users and developers of the
> > cells functionality within Nova is to get it to a point where it can be
> > considered a first class citizen of Nova.  Ultimately I think this comes
> > down to getting it tested by default in Nova jobs, and making it easy
> > for developers to work with.  But there's a lot of work to get there.
> > In order to raise awareness of this effort, and get the conversation
> > started on a few things, I've summarized a little bit about cells and
> > this effort below.
> >
> >
> > Goals:
> >
> > Testing of a single cell setup in the gate.
> > Feature parity.
> > Make cells the default implementation.  Developers write code once and
> > it works for  cells.
> >
> > Ultimately the goal is to improve maintainability of a large feature
> > within the Nova code base.
> >
> Thanks for the write-up Andrew! Some thoughts/questions below. Looking
> forward to the discussion on some of these topics, and would be happy to
> review the code once we get to that point.
> >
> > Feature gaps:
> >
> > Host aggregates
> > Security groups
> > Server groups
> >
> >
> > Shortcomings:
> >
> > Flavor syncing
> >     This needs to be addressed now.
> >
> > Cells scheduling/rescheduling
> > Instances can not currently move between cells
> >     These two won't affect the default one cell setup so they will be
> > addressed later.
> >
> >
> > What does cells do:
> >
> > Schedule an instance to a cell based on flavor slots available.
> > Proxy API requests to the proper cell.
> > Keep a copy of instance data at the global level for quick retrieval.
> > Sync data up from a child cell to keep the global level up to date.
> >
> >
> > Simplifying assumptions:
> >
> > Cells will be treated as a two level tree structure.
> >
> Are we thinking of making this official by removing code that actually
> allows cells to be an actual tree of depth N? I am not sure if doing so
> would be a win, although it does complicate the RPC/Messaging/State code
> a bit, but if it's not being used, even though a nice generalization,
> why keep it around?
> >
> > Plan:
> >
> > Fix flavor breakage in child cell which causes boot tests to fail.
> > Currently the libvirt driver needs flavor.extra_specs which is not
> > synced to the child cell.  Some options are to sync flavor and extra
> > specs to child cell db, or pass full data with the request.
> > https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126620/1 offers a means of passing full
> > data with the request.
> >
> > Determine proper switches to turn off Tempest tests for features that
> > don't work with the goal of getting a voting job.  Once this is in place
> > we can move towards feature parity and work on internal refactorings.
> >
> > Work towards adding parity for host aggregates, security groups, and
> > server groups.  They should be made to work in a single cell setup, but
> > the solution should not preclude them from being used in multiple
> > cells.  There needs to be some discussion as to whether a host aggregate
> > or server group is a global concept or per cell concept.
> >
> Have there been any previous discussions on this topic? If so I'd really
> like to read up on those to make sure I understand the pros and cons
> before the summit session.
> > Work towards merging compute/api.py and compute/cells_api.py so that
> > developers only need to make changes/additions in once place.  The goal
> > is for as much as possible to be hidden by the RPC layer, which will
> > determine whether a call goes to a compute/conductor/cell.
> >
> > For syncing data between cells, look at using objects to handle the
> > logic of writing data to the cell/parent and then syncing the data to
> > the other.
> >
> Some of that work has been done already, although in a somewhat ad-hoc
> fashion, were you thinking of extending objects to support this natively
> (whatever that means), or do we continue to inline the code in the
> existing object methods.
> > A potential migration scenario is to consider a non cells setup to be a
> > child cell and converting to cells will mean setting up a parent cell
> > and linking them.  There are periodic tasks in place to sync data up
> > from a child already, but a manual kick off mechanism will need to be
> > added.
> >
> >
> > Future plans:
> >
> > Something that has been considered, but is out of scope for now, is that
> > the parent/api cell doesn't need the same data model as the child cell.
> > Since the majority of what it does is act as a cache for API requests,
> > it does not need all the data that a cell needs and what data it does
> > need could be stored in a form that's optimized for reads.
> >
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
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