On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Kyle Mestery <mest...@mestery.com> wrote:
> As discussed during the neutron-drivers meeting this week [1], we've
> going to use one of the Neutron 40 minute design summit slots for
> lightning talks. The basic idea is we will have 6 lightning talks,
> each 5 minutes long. We will force a 5 minute hard limit here. We'll
> do the lightning talk round first thing Thursday morning.
> To submit a lightning talk, please add it to the etherpad linked here
> [2]. I'll be collecting ideas until after the Neutron meeting on
> Monday, 10-27-2014. At that point, I'll take all the ideas and add
> them into a Survey Monkey form and we'll vote for which talks people
> want to see. The top 6 talks will get a lightning talk slot.
> I'm hoping the lightning talks allow people to discuss some ideas
> which didn't get summit time, and allow for even new contributors to
> discuss their ideas face to face with folks.
As discussed in the weekly Neutron meeting, I've setup a Survey Monkey
to determine which 6 talks will get a slot for the Neutron Lightning
Talk track at the Design Summit. Please go here [1] and vote. I'll
collect results until Thursday around 2300UTC or so, and then close
the poll and the top 6 choices will get a 5 minute lightning talk.


[1] https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RLTPBY6

> Thanks!
> Kyle
> [1] 
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2014/neutron_drivers.2014-10-22-15.02.log.html
> [2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-kilo-lightning-talks

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