
I haven't seen the customary number-crunching on the recent TC election,
so I quickly ran the numbers myself.

Voter Turnout

The turnout rate continues to decline, in this case from 29.7% to 26.7%.

Here's how the participation rates have shaped up since the first TC2.0

 Election | Electorate | Voted | Turnout | Change
 10/2013  | 1106       | 342   | 30.9%   | -8.0% 
 04/2014  | 1510       | 448   | 29.7%   | -4.1%
 10/2014  | 1892       | 506   | 26.7%   | -9.9%

Partisan Voting

As per the usual analysis done by ttx, the number of ballots that
strictly preferred candidates from an individual company (with
multiple candidates) above all others:

 HP   ahead in 30 ballots (5.93%)
 RHAT ahead in 18 ballots (3.56%)
 RAX  ahead in 8  ballots (1.58%)

The top 6 pairings strictly preferred above all others were:

 35 voters (6.92%) preferred Monty Taylor & Doug Hellmann  (HP/HP)
 34 voters (6.72%) preferred Monty Taylor & Sean Dague     (HP/HP)
 26 voters (5.14%) preferred Anne Gentle & Monty Taylor    (RAX/HP)
 21 voters (4.15%) preferred Russell Bryant & Sean Dague   (RHAT/HP)
 21 voters (4.15%) preferred Russell Bryant & Eoghan Glynn (RHAT/RHAT)
 16 voters (3.16%) preferred Doug Hellmann & Sean Dague    (HP/HP)


The rate of potentially partisan voting didn't diverge significantly
from the norms we've seen in previous elections.

The continuing decline in the turnout rate is a concern however, as
the small-scale changes tried (blogging on TC activity, standardized
questions in the TC nomination mails) have not arrested the fall-off
in participation.


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